Being intentional with sleep

When I was in primary school and we had a trend of writing in each other's "autograph books", I had many friends who wrote their hobby to be "sleep". It puzzled me a lot. I wondered – what is so great about sleep? Why do so many people love sleep? 

Then I became a teenager, and then I understood. Haha. 

Didn't sleep use to be so different?

In the past it used to be:
Turn off the light
Lie on the bed
Let thoughts pass by
Until I fell asleep

Now it has become: 
Turn off the light
Lie on the bed
Surf or play on my phone until it's too late
Fall right asleep

It's probably time to return to the former. To give myself that time to think and not let my last thoughts of the day be about my friend's life as shared on Instagram or that news article I just read on Facebook or the YouTube video I just watched. 

I was reading this book about using sleep to solve problems. From the one chapter I read it was essentially about focussing on that problem you want to solve, then pretty much "sleeping on it", and waking up with fresh thoughts about it.

When I fall right asleep after watching a korean drama I've been binging on (sorry, not good) I sometimes wake up with it as the first thing on my mind.

Well, it's time to change my last thought of the day and hence my first thought in the morning.


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