Consumer Behaviour in this Information Age

For my job I do marketing (and well, everyone does some sort of marketing in life but... y'know) and I have to say – man, this world moves so so quickly. It's crazy to keep up with all the changes and upgrades. From what size Facebook posts should be now, to Google's search engine optimisation secret-not-so-secret recipe changes, to what the best metrics for analysis are. But well, you gotta keep up huh. And actually, while it can be a little crazy to try sometimes, it's actually pretty interesting. It changes the way we work and sell our products. But it also changes the way we think and shapes our habits. It's a funny cycle – how we create tools to respond to needs, then people take those tools and become in need of them (not necessarily in a good or bad way). It was not so long ago that technology (in terms of world wide web, mobile phones and computers) was not a part of most people's daily lives. But look how that has changed. I've been thinking m...