Wisdom to know the difference

Today I was reminded why I would never be in sales. It is the last day of the month and when you are trying to hit targets, seriously... the pressure can be crazy and that's not my kind of thing. I work to other sorts of deadlines and with other pressures, just not this kind. Today I learnt that sometimes you have to let things be. If you can't change it why let yourself be frustrated by it? I was working on design files in Adobe Illustrator which kept hanging. Coupled with a slow server where I had to get files from, it was a pain. Especially when I knew what I wanted to do already and am generally a fast worker. After an hour of impatience and frustration, I finally let myself relax because after all, what can you do, right? So every time it hung, I just sat back and drummed my fingers and stayed calm. It took an additional hour to finish up a job which probably could have been completed in less than half the time. But you know what? At least it ended well bec...