
Showing posts from February, 2014

Chef husband

I genuinely love it when my husband cooks. He's a better cook than me! And it means even more when I know he's had a longer, harder day, but he still chooses to be the one to cook.

Cool books at NGV

Was exploring the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) shop when I spotted these in the children's books section:  ^ How geeky is this! Pantone colours for kids! ^ I love it, haha. The next book I deemed really cool was this, for its use of lines and dots: ^ Many simple little things put together can create something amazing. ^ And lastly, a colouring book by Andy Warhol... ... which included this haha: Nicely curated, guys at NGV (:

Genesis to Numbers

A few thoughts from reading those books the past few days... --- In Exodus 1, Pharaoh orders the midwives to kill all Israelite baby boys. To preserve lives, the midwives lied. And God was cool with that. God calls us to listen to the authorities above us. But when what we are asked to do is not in line with God's ways, it's okay to do otherwise. God > man. The midwives lied. But in this case, they were considered shrewd, wise, and as the Bible says, "God fearing". --- Exodus ends with the completion of the temple, exactly as God commanded it to be. Perhaps in a way after building it, the Israelites were no longer an exodus (a mass departure of people) because after all, they were brought out so they could worship freely – and now they could. It isn't about settling in the Promised Land. Rather, it is about worshipping freely in a God-honouring way, wherever we are. --- Leviticus is full of rules that are so exact. They reflect God. A God of ...

She's 26!

Back at driving lessons with a new instructor. Today was the first session. What happens with this instructor is she gets the next learner to send the previous one home. Efficient. So when my lesson is over and I'm in the backseat, a boy who looks about 20 comes in the car, sits in the driver seat and: Instructor: Hi, how're you? Boy: Hi. Me: Hi! Instructor: (Pauses) You don't have to feel nervous. She's 26! Boy: Oh! That's better. Instructor and me: Haha. Me on the inside: Hahahaha.

Job applications that are actually exciting

I don't know how people send out 20 job applications in a day because truth to be told, I can only manage about four. Today, I spent three hours on a job application for a job I really really hope to get. It's one of the rare few jobs that as I read the description for, make me more and more excited because of the match in skills and passion. This one is similar to my old job at Halogen in that it is about investing in young people by teaching them skills that will build their character and contribution to community. I can bring on my communication, administration, project management and youth work skills. The job also requires both office and on-the-field work. I mean, how fab is that! It's the kind of job where immediately after researching about it, I can type out a cover letter straightaway because it's just a matter of arranging the details well on paper. So please please please. Please let me get this job because while I am open to other types of work and indu...

The power of community

At 7 years old, Francis was sent far from his village, Gando, to study in the city. Later, he was granted a scholarship to study architecture in Germany. As a student, he wanted to go back to contribute to his community. After raising US$50 000, he went back and together with his community, built a school out of clay and other relatively cheap materials. It's a story of innovation, dreams, hopes and community at work. Francis ended the talk by telling of how when he left Gando at 7 years old, the lady of each household gave him a coin. In essence, they were contributing what little they had to his education, and hoped he would come back to use it for the community. There is power in community, and communities can shape their own future. It reminded me of people like myself – students who have had the opportunity to study overseas. There is always that question of – should I go back home, or live here? It also reminded me of finding meaning in what we do. A job as an Executi...