Job applications that are actually exciting

I don't know how people send out 20 job applications in a day because truth to be told, I can only manage about four. Today, I spent three hours on a job application for a job I really really hope to get. It's one of the rare few jobs that as I read the description for, make me more and more excited because of the match in skills and passion.

This one is similar to my old job at Halogen in that it is about investing in young people by teaching them skills that will build their character and contribution to community. I can bring on my communication, administration, project management and youth work skills. The job also requires both office and on-the-field work. I mean, how fab is that! It's the kind of job where immediately after researching about it, I can type out a cover letter straightaway because it's just a matter of arranging the details well on paper.

So please please please. Please let me get this job because while I am open to other types of work and industries, nothing beats doing what you love and getting paid for it. And, which boss wouldn't want an employee who actually cares about what they do and hence will work well with "heart" and go the extra mile?

This is the kind of job where after applying, I feel really hopeful because while yes I will have things to learn and grow in, how can it not be a good match! Haha. What's funny is, just two days back, I pondered and blogged about work and passions, and mentioned youth, education, and training – what this job will entail. How apt.

Well, we'll see. I believe everything always is in good and perfect plans and hands.

^ With some of the awesome kids after a workshop with Halogen. ^


ahbiao said…

check back the hoozyu (birkman) report for job matches :)

And yes, in good and perfect plans, plans to prosper and not to harm you.
overfluo said…
Harro ahbiao! Hokays I might check it out. That's quite a cute name. Like, hoozyu – "who's you"?

Ah-men :)
overfluo said…
eh wait. i did it before – with Halogen!

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