
Showing posts from April, 2014


Manuka honey and  home-grown mint leaves in  warm lemon ginger honey tea.  Mm mm.

Sign painting and calligraphy

Sob. What kind of perfection is this... It looks so easy for them. I am at about 10 hours out of a needed 10,000 hours of practice. For the one below, watch from 5:20 for the magic.

Bits of Brunswick


Happy mail

Received some happy mail from (ex) home today! They say change is constant, and it is. But some things stay the same – like how when you are a younger sibling, you will always be a younger sibling no matter how old you are. It's one of those things I like and am grateful for.

Jesus be the centre

^ One of the all time very-important-to-me verses. ^ It's been a busy and tiring week, which has included a nine hour work day with just a 15 minute lunch break. Still, I am thankful for everything that has come my way. Truly. Please pray for me as I prepare to do a workshop next weekend for some young adults. Two things I prayer-prep most for are before I lead worship and before I conduct a workshop. It's possibly because I know those are things that I super super super need to rely on God for. It's not that I don't need to rely on God for other things; God is in our every day and every thing. But perhaps, these are two things close to my heart – worship and passing on of "heart". I will not be leading worship this time, but talking about worship. To bear any fruit at all, everything indeed needs to stem from "the vine". Apart from Him, I can do nothing. So please do say a prayer for me and the workshop participants as you read this, that ...

Shine like stars

Trying to get better at calligraphy, trying to shine brighter like a star. Both are a journey of practice, patience and perseverance.