Jesus be the centre

^ One of the all time very-important-to-me verses. ^

It's been a busy and tiring week, which has included a nine hour work day with just a 15 minute lunch break. Still, I am thankful for everything that has come my way. Truly.

Please pray for me as I prepare to do a workshop next weekend for some young adults. Two things I prayer-prep most for are before I lead worship and before I conduct a workshop. It's possibly because I know those are things that I super super super need to rely on God for. It's not that I don't need to rely on God for other things; God is in our every day and every thing. But perhaps, these are two things close to my heart – worship and passing on of "heart".

I will not be leading worship this time, but talking about worship. To bear any fruit at all, everything indeed needs to stem from "the vine". Apart from Him, I can do nothing. So please do say a prayer for me and the workshop participants as you read this, that Jesus be the centre. Thank you.

I hope you have a well rested weekend!


chinz said…
Okay will pray. All the best and enjoy. The Holy Spirit be with you.
overfluo said…
Sankew jie jie! <3

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