during alpha camp, you don't go walking a lone with any instructor
you totally walk alone!
like...alone. one person.
and before the walk, your intstructor may start telling you scary stories.
the other time, the place we were at was where the japs first landed in ww2.
and they were telling some groups gruesome stories.

as for my group, my instructor chose a place. and i was the first person to walk.
and then, he decided to chage the location becoz he decided that the place we were at was too brighly lit.
so i had to do it again.
it was on a narrow road this time, with bushes and all at the sides.
and there was this rustle, and i almost jumped.
(one group claimed to have seen some erm. scary stuff. too much to describe)

then at the end of the whole walk, the few of us that finished it lay down at the end, very still, keeping really quiet.
the next girl who walked past - esther...oh man. she walked right past without even looking at us or stopping.
until we shouted out for her to stop and she got such a shock.
then we asked her why she didn't stop.
her answer : oh my goodness! i thought you all were dead people! i didn't even dare to look!
eh....ohkaaay. dead people?
i guess it was just..pretty good acting on our part.

just that it's like...really really easy to play dead.

unless someone goes tickle you or smtg lah.
then too baaadd.


alpha camp was fun.

and we had to crawl in the mud and all that.
it seemed kinda gross to some pple at first.
but man, it was really fun.
once we got dirty, we felt that we didn't mind be dirty at all.
i wanna play in the mud!

and there was the rope course too. stuff like that.
but unfortunatyely, it was drizzling at the time tt my grp was supposed to do it so we didn't get a chance to.
sigh. i wanted to do that so much.
i like outdoor activities.
lots. =)

wish i did art too.
it's so cool!

ok. stop regretting.

today was the table tennis zone finals between pl and anglican.
and we lost. =(
you know, in every one match, there are five er...matches (ok. i don't know the right words) and then, in each match, there are five games. and we were tied.
they won two matches.
we won two matches.
then krystel's match.
she lost the first game.
won the second.
lost the third.
and won the second.
and then, only the last game left...
she lost.
we lost by so little!
ahh! krystel was so upset.
sigh. crying, saying that she let the whole team down.

bardee, i know what apple is in chinese!
ping guo.

today, kelly had an ''anti-chinese movement'' all by herself in class today. after recess, ms wong was late for class. and she started writing stuff on the borad like....''aniti-chinese movement'', ''no zuo wen'' and ''monkey''....monkey refers to our chinese tcher. she's called huo lao it's like...yah? hardly anyone was paying attn aniwae.

you know what?
our handbell conductor, mr fong, gets paid $200-300 each hour he teaches us...each HOUR!! man.
soo much! but. oh well, he's talented. really talented.


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