everyday it's you i live for
everyday i'll follow after you
everyday i'll walk with you my Lord

just came back from ym combined worship.
worship was goood.
i had a great time praising and worshipping.=)
i think andrea has a really nice voice.
and dear oh-three has a lovely voice too.
i couldn't hear it but, i've heard her sing, and her voice is......whoohoo!
and God has blessed wesley with so many talented musicians =)
like cheryl,kevin,david,jerrold,clarabell,michelle and eugene.
(if u noticed,,i just listed the names of the pple in the band)

the ushers are doing a fine job of making us feel welcome too.
and...doing the lotsa other stuff that they're supposed to do too =)

and the message was good too. adriel did it.
the prodigal son story.
-God isn't a ''santa claus''
-God isn't one who is critical and judgemental
-God isn't unfair
-God's love is unconditional : agape love [agape is the name of my band =)]
-God's love pursues
-God loves you because He believes in your worth
Jesus loves me this i know. for the bible tells me so. little wants to Him belong. they are weak but He is strong.yes Jesus loves me. yes Jesus loves me. yes Jesus loves me. the bible tells me so.
heh.lovely kiddy song eh? all these 'kiddy' songs are wonderful.
very easy to understand. simple and true.

hold me in your arms.
never let me go.
i wanna spend eternity with you.
and now that you're near.
everything is different.
everything's so different Lord.
i know i'm not the same.
my life you've changed.
i wanna be with you.
i wanna be with you.

i bought a new pinafore today.
and they only sell the new one now!
the one with the sewn on belt!
so gross.
so i bought only one. heh.
even ee jie says it's not nice.

i'm gonna be a HISTORY MAKER in this land
i'm gonna be a SPEAKER OF TRUTH to all mankind
i'm gonna stand.
i'm gonna run. into your arms.
into your arms again.

schumerich bells sound nicer than malmark....i think
the malmark bells sound so piercing
and i've heard that we may be getting new bells
but hey. can't trust that oo much.
coz syf is in april.
and the whole set of bells will take months to make
then they'll have to fly or ship it over here
and our bell range is big.like, really big.
from the C8 to the F3 i think.
that is like...how many bells? i think about..
i can't count! erm....mebbe 30-40 bells? yep.

you have turned my mourning into dancing
you have turned my sorrow into joy
this is how we overcome

lars. better go sleep.
church tmr.
i'm going for service.


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