haha.yep denise.
and i have a not-very-nice voice
so when jeremy tells me to sing,
i say i can't sing
and he asks why.
i say. because i can't.
because...well, i can't!
singing just aint my talent man.

here's ''Buggin you"
bugging you is easy coz you're buggable
bugging you is all i ever wanna do-oo
bugging you is more than just my dreams come true
and everything i do, is because i love to bug you
lalalalala lalalalalala lalalalalalalalala-a
bugger bugger bug bug
ahhhhh (a soooper high pitch thingie)

you can go hear it at www.smilepop.com
then click on ''buggin you serenade"

it's really stupid.
and when you sing it to pple, they get irritated by the high pitched sound
know why it's called ''bugging you'' now?
heh. it's fun. and stupid. but. yah.

bardee, don't be saaad.
after the rain goes, the sun will shine.

ok. rain is cool too.
like, i love playing in the rain (that is, if i am in the proper attire)
mum, wei and i used to play in the rain sometimes when we were younger.
i remember ma bringing us downstairs. and we'd use the umbrella or raincoat to run about in the rain.
won't describe.
but ah. childhood memories. are so the best. =)

yea. but after the rain, the sun does shines bright dear.
the sun WILL shine after the rain.
smile dear.SMILE!!! BIIIIG SMILE!

handbell prac tmr.
wonder what the whole song will sound like.
the east meets west.

and school ends at 6.30 tmr!
that means i get home like....7.30?
yikes. but. it's like that every tuesday so. whatever.

have you seen tiffany's sketches!!!!
so be-au-ti-ful!!
so realistic.
i wish i could draw like her....

ida, congrats on your class winning the cheer competition.

happy bithday twinval and patty (why are you called patty? i still don't know. somebody enlighten me?)
sorry this is a bit late.

i learnt a new way to pluck the guitar!!
and i sorta like..invented new way myself.
but that one is...it must hve been invented already
coz it's so simple. and i'm still a little beginner.
aniwae, i'm leanrning.
slowly. but. at least i can play some....


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