handbell prac today. ended at 7 so reached home at 8pm. ugh.
we're playing some indonesian song.
and the bass sounds like the...gamilan.
really cool.
but the bass is ever so boring.
the chimes are playing the melody.
so even though my note is sooo high, i'm considered as the bass,
and i'm just about dying of boredom.
but o well, they'll be new parts.
hope i get to play smtg more interesting. heh.

yeah bardee.
mixing all the chemicals during science lessons get fun eh?
i do that a lot too.
add everything. and get a really nice blue or purple colour or smtg.
or a gross orange. but it's really cool.
and then i show off to the pple around, yea. me and my lab partner.
heh. soo fun.
luckily everything is diluted.
because i think...if everything wasn't diluted, erm. there'd be mini explosions all over or smtg.

i can never sit with marisa.
never. ever.
she sat with me during chinese enrichment after school today.
and she kept laughing at almost everything i said.
i caught the laughing fits from her.
the other time we did project, on some stuff for the elderly,
eunice suggested to fly kites. (whaha)
and marisa laughed so hard.
she doubled over. and we made crap suggestions.
man. i caught it too. and got a stomachache from laughing too much. gee.
throat pain too. and was tearing so hard. man.

hey bardee, cute suzy's zoo layout. =)
you have to teach me how to do this ?!?! html man.another day.

i actually studied for my chinese test yesterday. i studied like. so hard. like. really hard. i'm so proud of myself. hah. but still didn't know how to zhao jue and the compre part.....erm. forget it. heh. oh well, i STUDIED. yes. need to work harder still. go hui!!!!!!!!(that's ten exclaimation marks. heh.nuts)

band of brothers is on the tv behind me. dvd. it's quite cool. but i erm. think i'll get a bit bored watching it. yep.

music camp on the first weekend of march hols.
let's hope it's not boring.
yep. and let's hope we have lotsa fun.
and lotsa practice.
and that we'll bond.
coz if we're bonded better, we play better. and you can hear the togetherness in the music produced.
or so mr fong says.



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