i need more discipline.
o levels this year.
i need more discipline.
ahh. c'mon. you can do it.

just do it. nike. i like it. (",)


bardee, the words on your blog - ''a need is no more than a flower in disguise''...i've seen it before. and i thought it didn't make sense. and it still doesn't make sense. could you explain it? that is, if you DO understand it. heh.

handbell prac tmr. whoopee! wonderful music (tho have to stay back laaattte) am so glad that we finally finished the first song which is 'i got rythm' and 'fascinating rythm' combined together. one more song to go. wonder what it'll sound like. we're gonna play an indonesian song. heard a bit og how mr fong tried it..on the bells. so cool!!! hope i get to play for the second song. it sounds cooler than the first...east meets west! coz it's a western instrument playing indonesian music. ahh! fantabulous. ooo.

discipline. yes. disclipline.

ee is telling me to work hard and go to VJ. 6-12pts to get into arts stream.
ahh. my results very bad leh.
and ee says it's very impt..what JC you go to.
go VJC, you will work harder...she says.
and she says that the bonus is that...when she comes back from studying in UK,
she'll go to teach at VJ. and i'll get free transport.
erm. o.k.
yep. my sis is gonna study in UK. leaving in september.
she's going to study some literature, linguitic, english, i-dunno-what thing lah.
so cool rite? and maybe, wei and i will get to go and visit her in june next yr or smtg.

hey chinhui.
some discipline here. go study.
i need more perseverance!
i need more discipline!
ahh! help!



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