i'm gonna blog songs.
i'm in love with music.
didn't you know? =)

You're here
words and music by Leigh Nash. Sixpence none the Richer (city on a hill)
My life is up and down. i try to keep both feet on the ground.Your love is all that gets me through. all i need on this earth is you.
and i can hear your voice reciting ''i'm here. i'm closer than your breath. i've conquered even death. i am still here.And just like i was then. you can't remember when i was not here."
Jesus, you're the author of my heart. told me you wanted every part. and now my life and its demands.are resting safely in your hands.
and i can hear your voice inviting. "i'm hear. i'll never leave your side. my stubborn weary child. i am still here. please let me lead you on. your race is already won. i am your God."

Merciful Rain
words and music by Steve Hindalong.FFH.
(city on a hill)
Let the Holy spirit come over you now.As the healing rain from the clouds. there is nothing you can do to deserve it. you don't have to earn His love. Let the rain fall from above.
Merciful rain falls over the children.merciful rain falls over the children. merciful rain falls over the children of God. over the children of God. merciful rain falls.
see the holy dove descending over you now. feel the living water cleansing your soul. in the name of Jesus you have been forgiven. You have been reedeemed forever. fix your eyes on heaven.

Stand by me
written by Ben E. King, mike stoller and jerry leiber. ingrid and the swing katz(coolest swing album ever)

when the night has come
and the land is dark
and the moon is the only light we'll see
no i won't be afraid
no i won't be afraid
just as long as You stand by me

So darling darling
stand by me stand by me
oh stand, stand by me

If the sky that we look upon
should tumble and fall
or the mountains should crumble to the sea
i won't cry. i won't cry
no i won't shed a tear
just as long as You stand by me

and this is really one cool swing album. it's a christian one. they have other songs like ''doubting steve'', ''hey man (haman)", "whale of a time", "the happy song''...mostly related to bible stories. it's really cool. and this songs is...great =)

ee has restrung her old guitar and i've tuned it. and so now, it's great! haha...coz we can play together. we did that just this afternoon and it was fun =)

gotta go sleep.
no fair. my brother doesn't have school trmr and i do.
o well.


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