just came back from going out with ida and my legs ache.

played for worship this morning. and i think the band played better than the last time we played.
i don't know how. but it was just better.
terrible me eh? never really notice things.
terrible band leader. but aniwae, =)
i played ok. the usual i guess.
denise, i couldn't hear, so i can't say anithing. but i bet she played well.
david, pretty ok. doing well, considering that he doesn't have lessons with jerrold animore.
perry, good, the usual.for sound check, he played either God is moving or history maker's intro. i think it was ''God is moving'' and that reminded me of camp coz he learnt that from camp. it's really great. and i had it stuck in my head then. ok. i gotta buck up and learn the guitar properly and just not random crap here n there. heh.then i can play the bass...like denise!
jeremy lee played better than the last time. three cheers for jeremy! but gotta have more confidence yea? thumbs up. you've improved.
jonathan, on the lead guitar. erm. well, great...rock style. but er. need to learn to play less. and need to know when to play what. too bad i don't know. so i can't teach you.
see. lousy poker band leader is me. oh whatever.
i think the band that benifits the most is the band with jeremy ong in it.
coz jeremy knows all the instruments and he's overall in-charge or worship.
so it's really good coz pple in his band get to learn more, in a way.

packing up, i realised that we moved so much equiptment every week...soo much.
wanted to go home. but went out with mel, ida and val instead.
there was very little pple on the street, considering that it was a sunday aftn at orchard road.
but it was cny, and so. yep.
we sang a bit. and we sang ''you have turned'' and i turned. i didn't care. it was fun. but not very.
coz i was kinda bored, to be honest.
we ate at burger king near borders. threw away lotsa fries. ugh. so wasted.
then went to borders to read for a while.
then mel and val left.
it was kinda stuffy inside coz there were lotsa pple.
i think everyone was there coz hardly any other shop was open since it's chinese new year.
then ida and i decided to walk. we decided to walk to church...from borders.
you think we're mad?
oh well. i think we were too. but aniwae.
my feet hurt a bit from walking ee's shoes that looked way too old for me.
opposite plaza sing, there are these small 'ponds' of water yah?
ida and i were so tempted to walk in the water coz it was so shallow.
but of course we didn't. i was wearing shoes and jeans.
and besides, it'd be embarrasing. and what if we were caught or smtg?
and finally, we reched church. we went to the basement and played a keyboard and sang, ida n i.
ida, you got a really lovely voice. i mean it man.
then, the little korean kids came in.
so, too bad. we left. and went home.

you know, we wanna go back to ym camp. really. I MISS YM CAMP!
i think we should have a like....one night thing in the one week march hols or smtg like that.
heh. but really. it'd be just so fun!

o levels this year.
i enjoy learning new stuff in class.
but i don't enjoy the part where we have to study
and memorise it all.
o well.
it's part of life.

and other things too.
like i once said before,
the world isn't really what God made it to be animore.

you know what i tell some of my close friends?
i tell them.
man. i wish we were back in the kampong days.
and i'm serious.
then, pple didn't have to deal with so many things.
now, the world is just so greedy and unfair.
it's terrible.
so we must thank God that he sent Jesus down to save us yep?
His only Son.
see, God loves us so much.
after all, he's our Father in heaven. =)
gotta thank God for friends and family too.
and gotta thank God when he wake us up each morning
with a new sunrise.
you know, start your day with God.
just say a simple prayer. a short one.
it works. it really does.
so say a lil prayer each morning.
you might enjoy your day better.
and feel more appreciative.
or something. anything (",)

Raindrops keep falling on my head
Raindrops keep falling on my head
And just like the guy whose feet
Are too big for his bed, nothing seems to fit.
Those raindrops are
Falling on my head, they keep falling.

So I just did me some talking to the sun.
And I said I didn't like the way, he got things done
sleeping on the job
those raindrops are
Falling on my head, they keep falling.

But there's one thing I know:
The blues they send to meet me won't defeat me.
It won't be long till happiness sleps up to greet me.

Raindrops keep falling on my head
but that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turning red.
Crying's not for me cause I'm never gonna stop
The rain by complaining.
Because I'm free. Nothing's worrying me.

nice song rite?
and bardee, don't worry coz this doens't have have anithing to do with the person.
i just like the song. =)

"Whatever comes," she said, "cannot alter one thing. If i am a princess in rags and tatters, I can be a princess inside. It would be easy to be a princess if i were dressed in cloth of gold, but it is a great deal more of a triumph to be one all the time when no one knows it"
-a little princess- by frances h.b.(i can't remember how it's spelt. -oops-)

ida quotes this lots. and i love it. it is so true. read this carefully people.it's reaaally meaningful.

you know, make someone's day. just go and say hi. or give a nice comment. it works!!
i like writing small notes and encouragement stuff....you know...it makes me feel...good. like i just brightened up someone's day. even if it means a small note with just one sentence or a little star...once, i found this small pack of small glow-in-the-dark stars. and so, i decided to well, make use of them. so i wrote ''shine'' and a friend's name. then i started doing it on all the stars. in a way, i wasted a lot of time. but i had fun doing that simple thing. and i should've brightened up some pple's daye eh? i hope so. one friend told me that it was an encouragement to him and it helped pull him through some stuff. so you see, even small things like these can make a difference.....once i make one, i get addicted. like the simple card i just made for wanli...it's like a postcard kinda thing. i decided that i was having so much fun and it was so...inspiring (?) that i ended up making about 10 of those cards. gosh. i spent timeee man. but it'll be worth it. yep.
Jesus works in many ways.
and He'll send His angels to guide you along.
so never fear! for God is here!

lars. i think i'm writing too much man.


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