ok. i shall update my blog a bit.
so y'all have smtg to read =) heh.

prefect's inves was on wednesday.
played the piano.
yang shen, john loh and arthur were there.
the song ling yi composed was nice.

"go thru the fire. saturate.inspire.can we do that?"

band prac tmr.

com. just got restarted again. and so i lost all my ''faves'' websites.
ahh. coz i got some good chord websites there.
and now...
sob. sob.

bardee, your lastest entry has been described as ''murderous'' by oh-three.
oh-one agrees. heh

oh! denise! love song for the Saviour by kars of clay?
i just learnt how to play it on the guitar!
haven't gotten it totally right yet. but...yep.


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