went visiting today. i just wore simple jeans and a shirt and ee's nine west mary jane's. i didn't buy any new year's clothes. i hardly buy clothes. i waer my sister's clothes. heh.
we had to borrow my grandpa's car coz all 7 of us would not fit comfortably in a small suzuki.
to be honest, i was kinda bored.coz it's like...just go there, and sit and maybe eat. then the older ones talk.
i don't talk much coz the pple we went to visit speak chinese and if you know me, you'll know that my chinese is outrageously yuck.so yep, i got kinda bored. but it was good lah. to go and see your relatives and all that once in a (long) while. we were helping to crack ginko nuts at my aunts place.

gotta go to church early tmr. coz am playing for worship.
band prac was on thursday nite. was better than the first one.perry being there helps coz well, he's one of the...more experienced pple. i honestly don't know what the lead guitar is supposed to play so i just let him be till....i know what he's supposed to play. he's playing like some kinda....funny thingie...and he always plays the melody or smtg. yup.erm...jeremy lee played better for this prac than the last one. he needs to be quicker at changing chords tho. need more confidence. but good on the whole, considering that he hasn't been playing in bands for long. my brother, the drummer, is still learning. jerrold gave him his electronic drum set to practice with for a christmas prez. bassist denise is doing fine. she's experienced. but in the guitar. not the bass. heh. but she's doing well. for prac, she played louder for some songs and it was good. the bass and second keyboard help to fill up a lot, i realised. so, you go guys! band agape. agape means love. i think.

only when we have knelt before God, can we stand before men.
(humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time. 1 peter 5:6)
ah. yes. humility is very important eh.

if you're heading in the wrong direction, God allows U-turns
(...if you repent, i will restore you that you serve me. psalm 118:24)
isn't it comforting to know that when you make a mistake, you can always start anew?

Do all the good you can; by all the means you can;in all the places you can; at all the times you can; to all the people you can;as long as ever you can.
(each should use whatever gift he has received to serve others. 1 peter 4:10)

God didn't ask us to change before He could love us. He l;oved us first, and as a result, gave us the power to change.
(we love because he first loved us. 1 john 4:19)
ah. this is my favourite out of all these.

got these from the acs(i) diary. my brother's diary. heh. nice eh?

i like to run. when you run, you feel so free.
but must have the stamina and all that lah.
sometimes i do, and sometimes i don't.
but yah, i think sports is cool.
though i am not good in any sport.
but still, i think sports is cool.
and it's good.
lars~ chinhui becomes a crackpot.

i need to go 'mad' bardee!
ida, i need to go mad!
we'll try to get mad soon yah?
it's really fun to get mad.
like that time when ida and val and i got mad on the last nite of camp.
whoooooo. soooo much dun.
though we were embarassing ourselves......unknowingly.
coz we didn't know that pple were looking at us.
and laughing.
till mel told us eons later. hah.
but oh well. i had fun. lotsa fun.
was tearing from all the laughing.
that's what matters.
i love you pals!


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