yeah bardee!
i love the zoo too!
heh. it gets a bit some parts of the zoo.
but it's mostly nice.
i haven't been there for ages.

i remember in primary school, like, lower primary,
they'd bring us to either the zoo or the bird park. heh.
the bird park's nice too.
but the zoo is nicer. heh.
i remember getting sprayed with water by an elephant during one of the shows.
it sprayed across the whole front. so fun! eheh.
and they have stuff like the parrot cycling on the lil' bike. and raising the flag.
and the sea lion. stuff like that.
i took part in the ''zookeeper of the year'' thingie before. heh. that was about a million yrs ago.heh.
didn't win. ( a lot of kids were in it) wei didn't either. but had fun. and we had a very nice goodie bag too.
yep.the zoo.

He sends you a flower every spring.
He sends you a sunrise every morning.


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