you mean there's an ivan in 9.30?
who's that?

and how come you all get to choose the classes you all want to do it with
and what sea thing?
march hols are what?
mebbe i won't be able to go.
what with dad and all.

ah. bardee. i don't really care if it's obvious or not.
coz it ain't harmful so it's ok.
aniwae, that girls name is chatrien
you had no one to talk to? hmm...

gotta believe more. that my dad WILL come to believe.
that day. would be the happiest day of my life.

it's always good to get to know new people, make new friends.
but i'm usually kinda shy when i meet new people.
it depends on the env. i'm in.
and the people around me at that time.
some people who know me, may not believe that i can ever be shy.
well, i am
you know the personality D-I-S-C thingie?
i'm a really high S-I.
S is like..shy, steady sort.
I is the hyper, interactive. party sort.

oh. in church today.
like, a few minutes before service started, mel and i sat down at the fourth row. then this secone girl(i think she was so small, and i'd never seen her before) came and sat beside me and asked "do you have a cardigan? i'm cold." and i said no. then went to sit beside melissa. and asked the same thing, and mel said no.
then we went away. later when we came back, the girl sat beside me and she was like...''can i see this?" and she snatched my pen away before i could say yes and then almost immediately, she threw it back onto my lap.
then she took my thingie where i put all my papers. and she was like..''can i see this?" and took it before i could say anything. and see took out some pieces of paper, looked at it, then mel went to macs. then the girl started talking out some more pieces of paper. and i was like..."er...wait. this doesn't belong to me. erm. can i have it back?" then she went "ok" or smtg like that. then when i got my stuff back, i walked away.
ok. this may sound a bit mean. but i was like, kinda freaked out by her. she was just talking my things and asking questions. yea yea. i'm supposed to be a nice person and talk to her and all but...i was freaked out by her! felt a bit mean after that but...thought later that it wasn't really mean of me to go away coz she was so freaky. she was really weird ok. *shivers*
oh well.
then i asked the row...denise,bon,janice to move up to the second row. so wanli came and sat with us too. and ida too.
see ushers? i'm so nice. i help to move a whole row of people up.
[shuttup chinhui. don't bhb.] *grin*

some really close friends and i, we use the word ''shut up'' really easily.
to us, between us, it doens't really seem rude to tell each other ''shut up''
coz we do it so's become like...a normal thing to say.
aniwae, we only say it when we get really crappy. and we have to tell each other to shut up.
before we like...get a stomachache from laughing too much. or like, get too crappy and....
oh whatever.



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