denise...! that guys are going for older girls? used to be older guys with younger still is.
and i don't know what i'm talking about.
and denise, thinking about ___ (let's have fun playing "fill in the blanks!"eh...)again just cracks me up.
anyone who sees me now must think i'm crazy coz i'm really grinning like mad....
yah. and the ___ does look good. i know him a bit.

kren said she thought jon was quite cute?
oo...well, almost everyone is cute. in their own way.
[hush chinhui]

went for a short short short jog just now. so short. but so tired aniwae. shows how un-fit i am *grin*

ah. i used to go to thomson plaza when i was younger. it was yaohan back then. i used to have piano lessons at the yamaha there! and ma, wei n i would go eat kfc after that. ah. the good ol' days =). it's changed now...

I fix my eyes on You
i fix my eyes on You
Author of my faith
Casting aside
Every sin and every weight
I fix my eyes on You
Lay my burdens down
Letting the cares
Of this world now fade away

and yep. this song is really peaceful kinda thingie.
sigh.(contented a way).
songs speak so much.

coz if i had wings i would fly
you're more than i need. you are
and if the world caved in around me
to youi'd still hold on
you're the one that i believe
and the one who created me
Jesus. because of you.
i'm FREE!

chinmei just asked if i wanted to go to sakae sushi to eat for dinner. haha. i was! hello?'ll be a waste coz i don't really eat sushi. she's sighing.

you know, the world is getting complicated. getting weird. going topsy-turvy. in ways like....girls liking girls. and...stuff. and why do some pple like to bully others and the pple who are bullied just don't know how to stand up for themselves. and you actually have to teach them how although they are like...16?
dodo birds. man.

some stuff from a lil' friendship book wanli gave me some time back (thank you dearie!)
friends do life together.
friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies
friendship is complicated but dependable, difficult but worthwhile, demanding but exhilarating, irritating but growth-producing, intrusive but welcome......

I see the world in Pink
You see the world in bright pink. The world is a
happy, happy place! You love all people and
things!! Life is great! You're just like a
happy child. Spread the cheer.

*this quiz was made by href="">Sara

What color do you see the world in?
brought to you by Quizilla

See what Care Bear you are.

if i really am, well, that's nice =)

Goddess of Wind
Goddess of Wind, calm and cool and under control.
You don't like getting personal with too many

What element would you rein over? (For Girls)
brought to you by Quizilla

goddess? haha

Funny Asian Man

What's Your Personality Type?
brought to you by Quizilla

whahahha...i'm laughing
this is just so crap.
i am a laughing asian man.
no way man. haha. the asian part is right tho.

You are a freeform writer. Individualistic with a
sense for the different and challenging, Walt
Whitman and his poetry lacking meter and rhyme
is just what the doctor ordered. You're quick
to write something that the rest of the world
doesn't accept as poetry, quick to separate
yourself from the average joe. An author with a
true sense of self, you have confidence in your
abilities and aren't afraid to show it. :) GO

What's YOUR Writing Style?
brought to you by Quizilla

yep. i like to write.
who i can't write poetry and all.
amd i don't have the widest vocab range.
but, yep. =)

and why? why? am i taking so many quizzes?

handbells tmr...yay!

and these pple from thailand brought what?
they brought lotsa rice, sugar, cooked chicken, huge ikan bilis, some kinda styrofoam thingie to put food on for your meals. oh man. they coming for a 3month camp? haha....o wells.
ah kee put some food on my bowl just now. i couldn't eat man. the ikan bilis was so hot (i can't take hot stuff) and the food...just not used to it i guess. not my type. gee.....



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