
been doing chemistry
so hardworking ah.

hey wanli. about the "when the music fades" story. what do u think about it?
very er....familiar? the first part of it? could be eh?

saddam is such a ?!?!?!?!?!?!!??!?!?!?!!?!?....he's putting a human shield

made up of women and children.
ah. what the heck.


and why is the us(no capitalization. got no respect for that guy called bush) not listening to the UN? stewpig. it's so terrible. it's like...then what the heck is UN for? i think UN is cool! i wanna join the UN! heh. us thinks they're some big thing. okok. yah. they're big. but that doens't give them the right whatever they want. it's like....iraq is like a puny thing compared to the us. and us still wants to get summore pple in like....britain and all that. the us is like...becoming some big bully? and about britain. stewpig tony blair.
or maybe, i just shouldn't comment on anything coz i don't really know what's going on. gee...
but. no. the us being a superpower does not mean that is should be the "policeman" of the world kinda thing.
smtg. like that.

getting saddam and doing war or whatever on a country are two different things yah?

war is so scary. gee. watched "the pianist" and there was one part where they just stacked the dead bodies up ands tarted burning them. last nite, i dreamt of dead bodies all over. and then we were so ppor or smtg that we were stealing from the dead bodies. o man. gosh....and i was trying not to steal but was forced to...smtg like that. i'm not sure. i was half asleep only and i was trying to wake myself up but couldn't. woke up only when? can't remember. sigh.

thank God that we're not really thaaat affected by the war. as in like, really really have to thank God.
why war?

read Revelations man.
the second coming? it's coming soon.

"the beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise his authority for forty-two months. he opened his mouth to blaspheme Gd and to slander his name and his dwelling place and those who live in heaven. was given power to make war against the saints and conquer them" -revelations 13- know? WWII lasted about 42 months right? and could that "beast" be.....hitler? and......"his dwelling place and those who live in heaven".........the Jews? hmm.....

yada yada yada.
lots to say man.
but i'm not very sure if what i say will a way, right?

some stuff i read in the papers, i don't understand. heh. the more qhim stuff lah.

"all their men will be wiped out" said someone.


[oh. what a lovely pyramid]

and the channelnewsasia...the sound effects for when they put the views of pple up......*shivers*

u noe, i get scared quite easily sometimes. not by stuff like cockroaches(ok. mebbe sometimes. i dunno. have to give me a real-life situation now. hah.) but stuff like....movies. i can't watch ghost stories all that. cannot tahan one. the other time i read harry potter and the chamber of secrets a few years back.....gee. i imagines snakes in the pipes of the toilet. man.

the us killing others is right.
but others killing americans is sooooo wrong.
yaaaaaah. riiiiiiiiight.
i mean, it's like..who the heck do you think you are.
must be racist or smtg.
it's like....helloooo?
we are all humans!!!
all also humans!!!!!!

channel news asia has suddenly become quite an interesting channel....quite.


the richest person in SE Asia is li kah-ching (70+ yrs old?)....smtg like that. he's from hong kong (i think) and he's done a lot of good things( i heard). just heard it. the tv is turned on behind me. so i just put it down here.

we looked around, a bloody mess
on what seemed like a big red splash
the sop much destruction around
the grief and pain, start to surround

a man lies here in quiet repose;
when he passed, no one knows
did he suffer, was he pained?
before he died, was victory gained?

-chinz ' 02 (2/4 paragraphs)


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