half day today
half day alright

school ended at 10.15. then straight after that, chinese test. then, chinese enrichment. then, handbells with mr fong. then handbells with the sec one's....whoa. i wonder, why am i staying back when i am only the pathetic treasurer? then, how come the prez doesn't stay back? hmm....gee...

the music sounded good in the hall. we're gonna get that gold man.
and mr fong says that we're playing for the opening of the singapore youth festival in july. and that we schould be very honoured that they chose OUR school. and that Goh Chok Tong is gonna be there. it's gonna be at the esplanade. lalala.

how do you play the music properly when you have to tap your feet at the same time? i really can't when i use the mallets. can't concentrate. alamaks. the second song was so good that ms loh "couldn't find the words to describe it" and she teared on hearing it...i heard. [and by the way, she's an english teacher] well, the song is really really really good.

aye. lena. you don't crush her crush there lah. joke so much. crush the whole world ah you? crazy man. and don't keep talking or whatever about the handbell one ah. not very nice. please hor. =)

hey aramarion!
haha...this elvish name thingie....

music camp on friday.
one good thing is that...i don't have to face my dad straightaway...
[my results...i think, are gonna be really bad. chemistry? i'm sooo dead. and mrs loo doesn't even seem to care about our chem marks. whee]

one bad thing is that....i don't get to go for combined!!!
*sob sob*

i'm supposed to train up a band leader to take over me when i quit band in june [becoz of the O's]
and so....the person i have decided to train is....................
is..............................well, you'll see.
boohoohoo. i have to quit band.
but it's what's best for me.
i need to study really hard.




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