hUh. nO loR. it iS nOrt thE scHoOl vEry gOod tHeN wAnNa bOok thE hAll fOr Us oNe loR. iT is bEcAuSe hOr. if yoU bOok thE hAll, yOu rehEarSe thEre fiRst, yOu wilL gEt tHe fEel oF whAt it'S likE maH. sO syF tHat dAy yOu noT sO nErvoUs oR whAteVeR. yOu kNoW whAt tO eXpEct a biT. sO hoR...tHe scHoOl wAnt faCe mAh. yOu dUnNo mEh? thE mRs lEe aH. sHe likE caRe abOut sChoOl imAgE a lOt a lOt loR. sO hoR, wE alL mUz geT goLd mAh. thEn tO geT goLd...mSst liDdAt aNd muZ likE diZ....sO liDdaT lOr...[whahahaha] yOu noE ouR sChoOl wAd. hAiz.

hahaha...the "crude" way of talking. and the capital letters here n there.....don't laugh ok some of you. i was just trying out how some pple manage to do this is every blog entry and all that. so tiring! and a bit difficult to read also leh. like...lena annabel u all ah. ahha.....i do this one.....considered quite short tired
this is so crazy....haha....and i type until i think....i started to not make sense animore.

ahhh! hahah...oreos ad. now. it's a good ad. =) where the boy shares the orea with the girl and gives her the side with the cream and she's not happy....till there's this one guy who "surrended the creamy side".....haha...good one....
a couple of good ads out there. can't rem what now.
courts ads used to be really horrible. but they're better now. =)

i wanna go for CAM!!!


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