melissa. you want me to murder you?!!!?!?!?

i'm so sorry. that i eat stuff that looks like poo man.
i was staaarrrving.
and they've left! which means....proper food!!! whoohoo! i can eat proper food again! i am elated! heh.

zhou, gotta quit coz of studies lah. i don't want to quit. but....even chinee says i have to quit. so. yep.
and chinese o's are coming soon! and it's like......someone asks me where i've studied up to? i can only say "nowhere".ahhhhh! dead meat. again. why am i always becoming dead meat or smtg huh.
ok. i think i'm talking too much rubbish.

and i'm still starving after eating that "poo-like chocolate cream" thingie. really. ahh.....stomach rumbling. so pathetic. nothing to eat at home. i think pa is gonna just like..thorow away the so much left over chicken coz there's so much.and we won't eat it aniwae.

handbells prac at nanyang today was useless. we should have practices the songs only once. then practiced walking in and out. and the sec one's setting up what. go there n play the song so many times for what. then so tense. coz got that mrs wong there. and she was staring at everybody. and when my mallet rolled on the floor halfway during the song i was like...."oh no" coz i was afraid tt she'd scold. maisy best. forgot her mallets. and either she didn't take lena's bells. or lena didn't give her the bell. depends on how u want t to sound like....and on the bus back? huuuuggggeeee scolding. wow. fun. then go back, unpacked the bells, scolding again. in the conference room. and then. pearly fainted. i was across the room from her. then i thought that she just like...lost her balance. then she suddenly went straight down. then had to go run for ms paramese. maisy (handbells prez) was telling her to go and ask her father to sue mrs wong. hahhahaha....good man.

oh. and mr fong actually told charmaine to tell us all this : "no matter what mrs wong wants to say,j ust ignore that b*t*h."
ok. i admit. i laughed at that. sorry man. but.
weeee-elll. he almost brought her to court 4 years ago. interesting huh. and that some tchers like ms yap are crazy. (yep. mgs's music director. that fat, jolly looking woman? i guess)...her ears are so sharp. she can hear one missing note. and she throws the file at you. whoooo....tut-tut. and mr fong says that the tchers don't care. true. can that get. mrs wong scolds us. she doens't even understand us. how much hard work we and MR FONG have put in. mr fong is just faking it man. he's faking it on being nice to her. [haha...his disgusting "just fake it!" smile makes everyone just....?hahahhaha] hmm...if he brought her to court...what would it be like now...she's nice sometimes. but she gets too far sometimes. and ms goh has no mind of her own. mrs wong says smtg, she "yah. yah. yes, like mrs wong said, you all must yada yada yada" and when ms loh says smtg, she also " yah. yah. you must liddat liddat liddat. shake ! shake! you must feel the music" and i think...hmm...didn't ms loh just say that a minute ago....

went to junction8 first with mel and cheryl. and ate. and ate. waiting for the others to come..they came like.....after more than an hour? man. then we waited for them to eat. then we went to take neoprints(i hardly take them). 16 of us crammed into the machine. it didn't trun out too well. of course. [so many pple?!]. then bardee and i took. then a few of us took another one. money all gone man. whahahaha.....siao.
why am i calling myself siao?
because. just because.

ok. can you tell? i'm getting kinda retarded over here.

aniwae, interesting stuff to read :

"since it began, my church has worshipped through music. over the years, people have poured out their hearts to God thru it and there have been plenty of examples of great things happening as a result. however, there was a season when we realized that smtg was wrong with our worship.

"at first, it was difficult to put a finger to the prob. on the surface. everything was just fine. the musicians were tuning their instruments and the soundmen were getting out of bed on time. each service contained songs that focused on the cross and gave pple the chance to get down to business with God. to make this easier, the music was (nearly) up-to-date , the chairs had dissappeared, and the lights were low - what better atmosphere for young pple to worship God?

"yet. we seemed to have lost the spark. we seemed to be going thru the motions, but i noticed that although we were singing the songs, our hearts, were far from Him. then one day, it clicked: we had become observers of worship instead of participants of it.

"in our hearts, we were ginving the worship team a grade from one to ten :'not that song again','i can't hear the bass'.'i like the way she sings better'. we had made the band the performers of worship, and ourselves, the audience.

"we were challenged to ask ourselves individually......."worship is not a spectator sport, it is not a product by the taste of the consumers. it is not about what we can get out of it : it is about God.

"we needed to take drastic action. we banned the band. we fired the worship leader! then we sat down around in circles and said tt if no one brought in a sacrifice of praise, we would spend the meeting in silence

"after a while, we began to have some very sweet times of worship. we all began to bring our prayers, thankgivings, our praises and our songs. we were once again meeting with God. with all the comforst stripped away, we we worshipped form the heart.

"when we had learned our lesson, we brought the band back. out of this experience, a song was written. i wept as we sang it for the first time. the words expressed excatly what was going on."

when the music fades all is stripped away
and i simply come
longing just to bring
something that's of worth
that will bless your heart

i'll bring you more than a song
for a song in itself
is not what you have required
you search much deeper within
throught the ways things appear
you're looking into my heart

i'm coming back to the heart of worship
and it's all about you
all about you Jesus
i'm sorry Lord for the thing i've made it
when it's all about you
all about you Jesus

king of endliess worth
no one could express
how much you deserve
tho i'm weak and poor
all i have is yours
every single breath

"yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshippers will worship the father in spirit and in truth. for they are the kind of worshippers that the Father seeks." -john 4:23

really meaningful ah? the song seems so much more meaningful, now that i know the story behing it. they gave us this for devotion during music camp.


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