this is a poem by ida :
The sky weeps over the open fields
Sending its tears over the wild flowers
Leaving teardrops on their petals
Quenching their dying thirst I listen to the falling rain
Savoring every cold drop that touches my skin
I hold out my hand
Trying to clasp one beautiful raindrop
Before it falls to the ground
I look up and see rain clouds
And close my eyes
Letting the rain wash my tears
When I open them
I look at the gray clouds again
And see a silver lining

life is like a field of newly fallen snow; where i choose to walk every step will show

"whatever comes," she said,"cannot alter one thing. if i am a princess in rags and tatters,i can be a princess inside.It would be easy to be a princess if i were dressed in cloth of gold, but it is a great deal more of a triumph to be one all the time when no one knows it.
-the little princess-

i want to be a real princess.
real meaning, a princess at heart.


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