yea. i love reading too.
used to read more last time...more free time last time.
but my english is still not 'powderful'....lalala
but i love reading lah
i can sit in the library for the whole day...i think. i haven't tried =)
not the school library though
the school library is getting boring.
i think i've read all the books there that i've wanted to read.

and it's not just sweet valley books that you shouldn't buy coz they are dumb and a waste of time or whatever. the olsen twins...mary kate and ashley...those too.and their shows are like.....ugh. americans look so much older than they usually our age...sooo old.

to oh-two.
if it was a CALLING to join band.
then, why would God like...'put' you in another place.
when you've been in band for long?
and...blah blah blah.
i wouldn't say that it's a CALLING.
but whatever.
different pple. different_____(my vocab. range is too small. as i've mentioned before)
i like activities and all too.
but i don't think i'll be very good in planning them.
jerik - our new ym games comm. head (or smtg. right?).whoohoo!! heh.

isn't ernest the logistics guy...

my calling (yes?) as a student. STUDY!!!
ok. i've been, like, telling myself to study.
and i find it so difficult to motivate myself.

i wear a hairband in school almost all the time.
coz i get irritated if even the tinest bit of fringe comes down.
and it doens't look good when my hair covers my ears with this hairstyle
so i'm always trying to tuck my hair behind
tho it's a bit difficult. coz it doens't stay there.coz it's too short.
but i think i like this hairstyle i have.
it may not suit me well. but i like the hair style.
chinsiew wanted this hairstyle in sec4 too.
but her hair ended up disastrous instead.
so she was admiring my hair when i just got it cut.

friday...sports meet
i don't really find them exciting.
even if i do run.
i've run like...very few times only.
like...relay and...200m? can't remember.
but i ended up last for that...200m(i think) one...
coz it's the finals, i was against atheletes?
everyone running in that race was an athelete.
all but me.
wow. so not surprising that i got last lah.

reminds me of the ym camp race. relay thingie.
so funny. i was the last person.
and they had to get me on tape.
and show it on the last night of camp,
putting it on slow motion

but it was funny anyway.
so nevermind.

we're doing self-esteem in school for pc lessons now.
miss lau says that if you smile a for no reason...stuff like that, shows that you got higher self-esteem...most of the time.
do i?
i think pple who know me will say yes.(i hope=))
i asked my partner. she said "yah lah. you siao one" because i'm always getting crazy.
and when i'm in one of those crazy moods,i can laugh at almost anything.


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