aye!!! yah! being a travel show host is so cool! you get paid to go visit those whoa! places man...heh...but aniwae, it's like....so cool...going to see all those places and all that.too bad for me that i haven't visited many places. i've never been on a plane in my whole life ya noe?

bardee, i think i know who. hmm.....but er...kinda harsh....since tt person...reads your blog too eh? but that person would be really ___?___ if he doesn't know it's him you're referring to. heh.

aniwae peeps, there is no ym this sat or sun.tt's...the 6th or 7th...i think....and combined has been postponed to the 12th.
don't be too upset! lock yourself in your room, blast that hillsongs cd. and start woshipping God in your room. heh. hey. you can worship God any time, anywhere yea? whoohoo!

| *colour me Jesus* |


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