my dear oh-three!
you are sooo special to me!
coz you're sucha darling friend (",)
banish all thoughts of that idiot.
yay! lol.
smileeeee =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =)

i duNcH lyK twO-fAcEd tHe pPle leH. thEy hOr. eE-deE-iOts mAnZ...eEyUcKs...diZ kiNdA PpLe aRhz..cAnNoT bE frIeNds wItH oNe kaEz...thEy aLL hOr. veRy thE hOrRigiBle lOr. nO gOot. nO goOt at all mAnZ. hAiZ....diZ kiNdA pPle aRhz...sUmtiMes hOR, dUnnO laH. bUt hOr, thEy duN wAnNa cHanGe lOr. pPle telL thEm thEir faUltS aNd thEn thEy sAy dAt thEy wiLL cHanGe bUdDen hOr, iT is All fAkE oNe lOr...thEy nEveR cHanGe lOr. thEn thEy mAke thEir frEnz sO upSet. hAix...dEn thEy alL thE frEn dOnCh waNnA frEn deM aNimOre loR. wEiRd sIa. tHeN hOr, thOse pPle wHo aRe "cHaRmEd" bY thEir "nIcEnEss" iN the eNd ah. mEbbE kAna "tRickEd" lOr. sEe.thEse pPle so cRaP. vEh bAd hOr, thEy all. hAix....wAd tO do?

wah seh. i took so long to type that lor.....groan....the language.'s so difficult to read lor! it's the second time i've done

2 acsi tchers came to my house just's colleagues...haha. they're all nice. and melissa is really funky. lol. we were playing this mars and venus in love game. and she was saying this....her husband's ex is called jessica. and melissa hates the name jessica now. heh. if there's a tv show on and there's a person called jessica in it, she turns the tv off. and she used to teach in this sch. and her student was called jessica and she didn't like tt girl either and so...well, poor student. *grin*....melissa's really to be around her.

going cycling tmr with wei, ee and her friend. and we're bringing the 2 guitars along! cool! playing the guitar at the beach with the lovely breeze blowing at your face...imagine....and then, you look out at the sea...the clear blue....hey. wait a sec. clear? blue? huh? heh. no clear blue seas in Singapore man...only dirty green seas....heh.


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