played warcraft just now. i can only play the online kinds coz they're simpler to play. wei was bseside me trying to control the mouse and telling me how to play...not that i don't know how to. and i was jabbing him and goind "sissyfart". i don't know why. haha. must have said it a thousand times. and he was saying that i have very poor vocab....coz i only know one word "sissyfart.

aye...lena...i got present or not? haha...just joking....

went to east coast to cycle. man. so tiring. was only the normal one hour plus. but the part where we cycled on the sandy area. man. that one, i couldn't take. my legs were soo tired for that part. and i was like. waaaay behind. oh wells. then we went to eat at werner's..German food. i ate some kinda spaghetti with er. bacon and ? then went to borders for a while. ee offered to but us a book each. but i couldn't find a book that i wanted to buy. sigh.

i like to just like...sit there. and read. in the big bookstore. there's so many people around. but when you're sitting there in the bookstore reading in the lil' corner. it just seems....haha. :D

american idol? i think ruben has a great voice. well, they all have great voices. tho' they get a slight bit zao sia at times. but it's ok coz it's hardly nvm. but...whoa! i widh i had a great voice too. then i can sing and play the piano or guitar at the same time. instead of like...when you play the guitar...all chords...and like...sounds a bit.....not-so-nice without the...melody or whatever. heh.
i like simon...that judge. yea. he's like....eviiiil...heh. in the sense that, he's harsh. but i think that he's the best judge out of them all. the rest are like...."oh wow. that was amaazing" to like....almost everyone. ok. yah. they're amazing. but.
ah. whatever. i think they should give more comments.

lol.what the heck i'm i doing? talking about all this crap?
i ought to smtg more constructive.
like.sleep. it's 1.29am.
but no. i'm not gonna sleep yet
i'm gonna do bio
see. so hardworking



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