rachel is leaving!
ahh! why?
i've known her since pri.1 man. then i was like..almost best friends with her in pri.4.
then we drifted a bit.
then, handbells =)
she's going to australia...
rachel!!! we're gonna miss you soooo much!
must try to come back with your daddy in december k? =)
then we can meet with the rest of the handbell girls.
and maybe even play our songs again =)

groan. i have to be in sec4 this year.
i just have to be in sec4 this year.
the year handbells is playing for syf opening.
they want the juniors to play instead of the sec3s and 4s
coz they're afraid that we cannot remember the song...
we'll be able to help mr fong more. and the song will finish faster...
if you think about it...
look at it, we know mr fong's style. [which is very different]
and pple like jeanette, cheryl and i can play by ear.(not boasting)
and we can play in two-in-hand stuff.
while some juniors are still...learning their techiniques right.

the year we're gonna get a gold (we will!)
and will be performing for the hymn festivals
but sec4's can't play coz it's ard prelim period.
in anglican and wesley too....yes! wesley!! sob.
and at raffles city and someplace else which i can't rem.
ahh. this is...not fair.
and our year, we're the ones who have hardly like..gotten any experience.
ok. whatever.
then, we're most probably playing at the esplanade in the concert hall
with 100+ ringers. from mgs and all that.
mr fong is working on the song. and miss owww or whatever is working on techiniques.
honestly, for what? techniques? so that we can ring the jap way?
like...all synchronised? for what?
no creativity man...
the arrangement is more impt. and the oh so talented mr fong is doing that. =)
and it will be in december....hmm....
our o levels end in november!
that means....
either we don't get to play again...
or we have to have super intensive practice.
i don't mind playing handbells everyday actually.
just that...ahh...

man. the most exciting year ever!
and we er...ahhh!!!
it kinda gets you pissed.
especially for handbell lovers.
like me.
toopig mrs wong.
toopig mrs lee.


mrs lee wants 3 golds for the school this year. we're sending in 8 schools for syf. 8! and i heard that EL has no hopes of getting a gold. know why mrs lee wants 3 golds? it's coz when you get 3 golds for 2 consecutive years, you get some sustained achievement award. not only do you get the award, you get money as well! whoo! so exciting! er....?!?! mrs lee(tt's the principal), doesn't really seem to care for student welfare and personal whatever stuff of students more than she cares for her face, for the face of the school. coz she's the principal. ewww....lousy poker. [i don't know why i put the "poker" there. i've been using it...don't know why. haha]

eEeeEee...i dUn lYke dAt mRs leE...yUcKy yUcKy loUsY pOkEr. eEeeeWw...."sHe siT tHeRe sMiLe aNd LisTeN".....eeeEEEEEeeee


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