ran my 2.4 yesterday....3/4 of the class ran on thursday. i wanted to run too coz the faster runners were running then. then i could pace them. the fastest...her timing was about 14.30 i think. she was quite dissapointed coz she's an athelete. say don't know why she run so slow. wells,thought i wouldn't be able to finish it or smtg coz when i go jogging with wei, i jog really slowly and i can't even run 2km. eeks...haha. surprisingly, i was able to run well. quite happy with myself. haha. it felt good to be running ahead of the pple in my class...heh.
my school track is 200m only...half the usual track size so we had to run 12 rounds. at my 9th round, i kana stomach pain. so i was clutching my stomach. then at the end of the 11th round, i slowed down to a walk. which is really bad to me. coz for me, i never ever stop no matter what coz when i stop, i cannot start again...then i sat down coz too pain...gee...then the 3/4 of the class who already ran were like shouting and telling me to get up and run but i couldn't. just sat at the side of the track clutching my stomach...ahhh! second last round summore. kelly said my timing was about 13 mins when i stopped. that means if i went on, i could have gotten 14 mins!! coz usually, you dash for the last round so it's like....ahh!!!! i cou'd have been fastest in class!!!! ahhh!!!!! but...aiyah. nevermind lah huh....run again next thursday. maybe i'll do better :D

my partner practically died. she was lying on the floor, breathing hard, not responding to anybody. 5 mins later when the tcher asked her if she was ok, no response. so my pe tcher just said "sometimes pple is not too weak don't want to answer. it is they don't want to answer"....my partner went up to class....her head was on the table, resting, for like...5 periods?!?! she never lifted her head once. and she couldn't even respond properly. so much that it became quite irritating coz er...it's like..you're asking her whether she wants to go home or not and there's no response...even when the tcher ask her also like that...hiyah....she went home in the end. i ran up and down three times. once to inform the office, second time to bring her down, third time to bring her stuff down. wanted to bring her and the stuff down together but she was too weak to walk properly and she had quite some stuff to carry so...yah.

ok. wow. so much about this rubbish. whee...


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