talking to this guy whom i don't even know online. he got my email from an email a friend sent him. and he wanted to...make friends...

******+++++++~~~~~~~,,,,,,,,, says:
u study in girls sch?
. .a i r e t h i l i e l. *| God is moving |* says:
. .a i r e t h i l i e l. *| God is moving |* says:
. .a i r e t h i l i e l. *| God is moving |* says:
heh. G for girls
******+++++++~~~~~~~,,,,,,,,, says:
then u go anywhere is girls lor
******+++++++~~~~~~~,,,,,,,,, says:
then no guys in class how u sit?
. .a i r e t h i l i e l. *| God is moving |* says:
. .a i r e t h i l i e l. *| God is moving |* says:
anyhow sit lor
. .a i r e t h i l i e l. *| God is moving |* says:
then tcher sometimes will scold
. .a i r e t h i l i e l. *| God is moving |* says:
tell us to sit properly
******+++++++~~~~~~~,,,,,,,,, says:
can see right?
. .a i r e t h i l i e l. *| God is moving |* says:
. .a i r e t h i l i e l. *| God is moving |* says:
******+++++++~~~~~~~,,,,,,,,, says:
u know one
. .a i r e t h i l i e l. *| God is moving |* says:
we all wear shorts man
. .a i r e t h i l i e l. *| God is moving |* says:
if tt's what u mean
******+++++++~~~~~~~,,,,,,,,, says:
i thought u wear skirts

?!?! and he's now asking more about the uniform.hmmm...?!!??!
and i'm describing pinafore's and the kind of belt's that go with them.


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