did ushering today and enjoyed it :D we all had to fill in forms for ymca....precautions against sars kinda thing yah? since i was waiting for ee and wei, i did ushering for 11.30 too :D....haha....

said hi to "sec3 boy" ivan...haha...and he said "hi o-level girl" [it was "sec2 boy" and "sec3 girl" last yr. coz they all thought that i was sec2....so...yea.] and he started saying like....hey! my brother is sec4 too. and he's in water polo....and i'm like...ohkaay. and so. and he's like.....hmm....water polo...sec4 too....[dotdotdot]

wei's band played today. they were pretty good. expected i guess, since eugene is their band leader and well, eugene is a good, experienced band leader. wei was right in the center playing the drums and pple were saying that he was good and looked so cute. haha...i agree...the fast songs, his head was like, bobbing up and down...haha. and he's improved lots. now i wanna play drums too...haha. but i should "master" the guitar well first huh. anybody want to teach me? haha...now no time. must wait until after o's. that's like, 6 months away! in a way, it 's far. but in another way, it's very near.whee...jk's improved too! yay! haha....(oh oh. i think they're like, too many haha's....haha :D) guess it's also bcoz being in eugene's band, eugene can teach him but i can't. and hmm....joel choong is new. couldn't really tell about his playing coz i couldn't really differentiate the guitars apart kinda thing. and there's a new keyboardist too...hazel i think. yep.

ida ate lunch with ee, wei and me. went to prima taste at the building beside plaza sing. what's it called? ate hainanese chicken rice. i like chicken rice the rice :D

hey bardee, yea, i remember that song....or at least the chorus.
Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you

and yep, same same, have heard it lotsa times before, when i was a kid.

hmm...want to listen to the songs that amy grant used to sing. she used to sing really really nice christian songs like..."in a little while"...i can't really remember now....but yep. and chinee used to buy those tapes when we were younger, mei says.
bardee, it that ping who leaves msg in your blog actually yin ping? or another person? hmm... :D

gee. wish i went to jerrold's birthday party last nite. sounded fun :) IDA WON BEST DRESSED! [haha ida. i'm gonna let the whole world know babe] this morning in macs, jerrold said that i changed...coz i was so quite in the morning....er...ohkaaay. i'm not a morning person for one thing :) and issac asked why i was so quiet


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