from "colourful shades of gray" from chicken soup for the teenage soul 3.

moths were the most beautiful insects in the animal kingdom. at one time they were more colourful than the butterflies. they have always been helpful, kind and generous creatures. one day. the angels up in heaven were crying. they were sad because it was cloudy and they couldn't look down upon the people on earth. their tears fell down to the earth as rain. the sweet little moths hated to see everyone so sad; they decided to make a rainbow. the moths figured that if they ask their cousins, the butterflies, to help, they could give up just a little bit of their colours, and they could make a beautiful rainbow.

one of the littlest moths flew to ask the queen of the butterflies for help. the butterflies were too vain and selfish to give up any of their colours for either the people or the angels. so, the moths decided to make the rainbow themselves. they beat their wings very hard and the powder on them formed little clouds that the wind smoothed over like glass. unfortunately, the rainbow wasn't big enough so the moths kept giving a little more and a little more until the rainbow stretched all the way across the sky. they had given away all their colours except brown, which didn't fit into their beautiful rainbow.

now, the once-colourful moths were plain and brown. the angels in heaven saw the rainboe and became joyous. they smiled, and the warmth of their smiles shone down on the earth as sunshine. the warm sunshine made the people happy, and hey smiled, too. now every time it rains the baby moths, who still have their colours, spread them across the sky to make rainbows.

beautiful story huh? -contented sigh-

"now here is my secret, very simply: you can only see things clearly with your heart. what is essential is invisible to the eye." the little prince


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