went to joy's house with wei and eunice to study today.
joy's daddy loves fishes and my brother and him clicked right away...haha. they went to buy fishes.
then my brother and john played computer games.....when they were supposed to be studying.
joy, eunice and i were...up to some mischief.....can't tell here...lol...joyie! [faith catherine tan li wen] heh...
at least we did some maths....

ate shepherds pie and campbells soup for lunch which joy cooked. yummy. then spaghetti and something i don't know what for dinner....joy's mom cooked. really good. was really full....so i took ages to eat.

english and chinese compo today.
ok lah.
english i wrote " as the crowd drew nearer, tension increased..." smtg like that. i can't remember.
i wrote a bit out of point. supposed to describe the tension and all more but i described...what happened...more.....i wrote about er...
homosexuals. i [a guy] fell in love with this other guy.then the pple couldn't accept us. discrimination kinda thing. then....yea. so one night they attacked us. the other guy died. and i lived...next morning, realised he was dead and nothing i did could bring him back...blah blah...then the sun rose. golden rays. blah. life would go on.
ok. a bit. or very out of point. but nvm. it's past.
eww...later the teacher think i lesbian or what...ewww...
well, it's not a very original story actually....
heh. i can never think up of any original ideas during english compo. exam man. shucks.

school tmr....extra lit lesson coz mrs koh is so slowww....
wastes time telling pple that got pot of gold in b/t their legs.....er....



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