didn't go to church today coz dad doesn't allow. next week also cannot go. it's coz of chinese o's...and my chinese is really bad. ok. how many times have i said this...
and argh!!! coz i heard that worship was goood today....jeremy ong led. whoohoo! i went to joy's house to study...we kinda like...played a lot...but...haha.

i quit the syf opening for handbells....argh. i don't want to quit. i really want to play for it. the song's cool. the experience. practices are actually fun when you can play the song...and we like...just finished the songs. so like...argh. i really don't want to quit...but i gotta set my priorities straight lah. coz my studies....i need to buck up more. so yea. i need the holidays to study and catch up. gee. i feel kinda guilty. but...argh. and i struggled to make that decision man...but joyie told me that i made the right decision. so yea...good to have some....assurance....

study!!! pray for me ok peeps? my chinese o's are on the 9th...and i need all the help i can get. be it...whatever... :D


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