eating "ken ken...prepared cuttlefish" now. wei bought. it makes your breath smelly i think. but i like it. haha.

went jogging with joy just now. jogged round the....pond? reserviour?(it looks like it's been spelt wrongly. nvm. haha) and we jogged on the gravel. joy, next time, i'm not jogging on the gravel anymore. it's not very easy on the feet man. and it's noooiiisy! then we walked to northpoint which was about a 5 min walk cold storage there was this couple in sch uniform talking. the girl was crying. and the guy hugged her. whee. of all places, the supermarket. then went up the escalator and lo and behold! there was ms lau. she's my form teacher. i don't really like her...she's a good maths tcher tho. i don't think she saw us. or maybe she did. i hope she didn't. she likes pple who are good in maths. and so since i'm not good in maths. like. not just not good but totally horrible.she...doesn't like me that much? haha...whatever. i'm more of a humananities person.

haha. watched finding nemo with ee jie on...i dunno when. funny. the turtles..."totally" "dude" and all....
and squirt.
kelly saw the macs ad for the finding nemo pouches.and she pointed to squirt and was like..."hey! that's you!" yea.yea...haha. coz i use my nike bottle(my brother's actually. but he doesn't use it) to threaten her. haha. all in the name of fun...kelly. mama squirt. bouganvilla, rafflesia, manly girl. or was it girly man. wheee. don't look at me man.

totally dude


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