hey belinda! and huihui!(i don't think you'll see this coz you don't know the url) and kristy! and blah blah blah...(sorry. can't remember all the names. )
Went to ccab today for handbells combined prac again. Wasnt sure of how to go so wanted to go meet pearl and some pl and mgs girls at king albert's macs but...the 171 bus passed ccab but i decided to continue and go meet them but i got off a stop after the wrong macs so i ended up walking back about 3-4 bus stops. argh.
then maisy was late coz she stopped at the wrong bus stop too. heh. and she forgot to bring the keys for the locks on the handbell boxes so charmaine had to go help to get it from maisy's mom. whee.
don't really like this girl. melody i think. she's super bossy.like a know-it-all. not nice at all man. oh wells. i don't know her well so i can't say much.

prac. was good and mr fong was really happy. could tell from the sms's he sent maisy. ms goh bought a tie for him coz he's helping us for this yr's syf and we need to pay for it. so, time to collect money again. argh. i haven't even finished collecting the money for the stupid shirt that ms goh made us buy for that weeding we played for.27 bucks. we bought the uniform just for the wedding. and the school gets all the money. whoa.
and now i have to collect more money. gee. it's not fun being the treasurer man.
i don't think our new uniform is very nice but aniwae.
went to town with maisy, melissa and charmaine to try find shoes to suit the new uniform. melissa went to meet tim first at ps but ended up at centrepoint coz ps's supermarket was closed...renovations i think. bought the syrup for church tmr at centrepoint. which was really dumb coz we had to carry it ard but luckily my mom agreed to let us put it in her shop overnight. charmaine treated us to lunch at sakae at heerencoz she just got part of her pay.blew it on our lunch! whoo. thanks man charmaine...tried to find the shoes. took a long time man. finally found them. but couldn't decide on what colour. black? beige? or...blue? argh. how to match with our uniform. we spent like..about half an hour at paragon, metro on that shoe. or rather, sandle. it looks good on me with a flair skirt. heh. coz i was wearing my school u. haha. but my feet are a bit big. so that's the not so nice part..hmph....haha

we used to use the same 2-in-hand technique as the mg girls. i asked charmaine....my senior. and she said they changed the technique coz using their way...more chances of spraining the wrist. so we changed our technique. both nice in their own way lah :D
must teach the rest of the handbell girls how to play 2-in-hand. now, the only ones who can really play it properly are jeanette, cheryl and i. at least now more of them can play....but must teach more. :) and they need to ring louder!

can't wait for syf! in a way :) mr fong is conducting us. whoohoo!
in ccab this mrs ho person was talking to everyone and behind her, mr fong was playing with nigel's hair and stuff and making funny motions...haha. we were all like, grinning away...nigel's a pri2 boy frm northland who's really smart...IQ 145 i think...i heard.

wei went cycling aith my cousins who stay nearby. and whee. collision. bang! and my brother got a super bloody right leg and my cousin's got a tummyache.

better stop now. shouldn't spend so much time on the comp. i need to study.esp with my "yuck!" marks...i haven't been studying much. haven't been going out much. so basically, i'm just like...lazing? procrastinating? ill-disciplined? argh!

totally dude.

[hui! jing! chinz! (whatever)....stop!]



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