whee. i haven't been blogging much :) just didn't really feel like it.

going down to ccab again tmr to practice for syf opening with mgs, northland pri, pl pri and mg pri. the primary school kids are playing the chimes and they really help the music sound more...whole. especially for bunga sayang. but some of them play very few times. coz they can only hold a limited number of chimes coz they have to stand and play without tables. so some of them ring like....5 times throughout the whole song kinda thing.
for bells, mr fong is going like, "for the first time. the first time ever since singapore was founded, the two methodist schools are getting together." and stuff. haha. our techniques are somewhat different. we ring out high while they ring lower. and i think their two-in-hand is pretty. looks nice :) want to try to learn how to play that way. haha.
mae-cherie is in mg handbells now. i used to take the same school bus as her and we were the last 2 to get dropped off coz we stayed in yio chu kang. i used to stay at upper thomson. she used to think that my mother was not a christian coz my mom didn't wear a necklace with a cross...!?!? haha.

pearl shortened her pinafore after maisy told her that pple think she is a bung and stuff. haha. so yesterday she asked me if the length was ok. but i told her to sew higher still. till it reaches at least the knees. and we told her to walk preoperly too! heh.

whee! combined on saturday. can't wait to go to church. 2 weeks before o's, dad didn't let me go. then last week there was no youth service. so yea. chinee is the speaker for this saturday. haha. i think she's a wee bit nervous.
her newer guitar is off to UK. she's gonna leave to study there in september. some english linguistics course. and when she comes back, she'll most prob. teach at vjc. but not confirmed yet. cool huh?

i need to go out man. like, go out for a whole day to wherever i want and all. hmm...shall go to joy's house one day and...play :) she stays a field away from me...:D


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