cambridge dinner. melissa (lim) and i put down our names for pageant. and it was on a first come first serve basis. so dunno how we ended up in diff areas. i'm not in blesses draw/door gifts and that means writing letters and more letters. wow.


took cab frm sch with methalusa coz she was late for piano and offered to drop me off. saw jerik. yes. you are much taller than me. but it's ok. at least i'm a girl. you know? haha

my pinned up hair...
pple say:
"it's nice"
"you look better with hairband"
kinda thing. haha. and i have pple counting the number of pins. [it's 9.10 or 11]
yes. :)

and teacher's day performance...
i'm supposed to be ms lau. my maths tcher. oh man.
and my lines go smtg like...
"peace!...i have to calculate the velocity of this broom (ok. i don't understand how u can do that?!?! but aniwae.) and...the accelerated......of how to get this room to the initial cleanliness"
and ...." ...i'm like the incredible hulk!"
oh man. oh man. oh oh oh man.

uh huh

time to study man.
really gotta start
my whole class is slacking. like, not studying at all.
so we're pretty dead.
study study study study study study study study study. yes, study.


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