
20/7 as funnn. esp the tree game. haha...

celebrated racial harmony in school today. everybody had to wear a traditional costume of some kind. most of the class just borrowed saris or punjabi suits from megala and amanjeev. i wore this vietnamese-malay thingie. quite fun to see everybody wearing their costumes and dressing up. haha...had lessons. in our costumes. argh. :D and a short concert which erm. i didn't really enjoy. and my friend was sleeping half the time. ohwells, they put in effort :D

sarah was supposed to wear her sari to j8 with ju and me but she changed. and i ended up being the only one wearing my costume?!and ju wore her spag straps and...skirt. so i changed there before lunch. whee.

i think it's actually quite good that they make it compulsory or else lotsa pple won't wear. and they'd never er...experience wearing those costumes and all and have all that fun. the bad side is..those pple who really can't borrow smtg, and they gotta go rent or buy. luckily i got my sis :D

you are a science fiction novel

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What Flavour Are You? I taste like Bread.I taste like Bread.

I am a staple in almost everyone's diet. Friends like me are a complement to any other friends I get on with almost everyone, remaining mostly in the background, but providing substance when it would otherwise be lacking. What Flavour Are You?

You are- Lizzie Mc Guire

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bye! study hard! do your Quiet Time k peeps? don't forget your daily spiritual bread! :D


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