the performance at the esplanade was reaaaly good. and good fun tho i was a wee bit nervous. thank God that i wasn't nervous that i forgot to breathe or what so yays! haha. and lee xin and i played the C7 together :D
mr fong gave us a rose and some like...stressball keychain kinda thing. i took the smiley-faced one.
i still wish we like...conspired to play bunga sayang tho. it's so fun to play, holding the notes. haha. now, after all the syf opening rehersals and pracs, it's practice for the syf competition. we're gonna get gold man! and mgs, all the best!

josephine said we looked sweet while mg looked pro. our toot dress lah. so tight. i wear ah, cannot breathe man. but it's quite nice lah. but i think tt it'd have been better if we wore what we wore when we played for the wedding. then it'd kinda like, match mg's.

went for the concert after the performance. the tkgs band is like...reeeaaaaally good. and notice this...female conductors usually just keep time while the males have all the gestures and all that. rjc's acapella grp - PINCH, has a really really good...percussionist. if that's what you call hum. really good. in the end, this lil girl sang "i'd like to teach the world to sing" and a boy accompanied her. really good. then the song...they had parts which sounded chine-ish, tamilish and malay-ish. haha. i thought it was gooood.
i got a new family which was formed on friday. the chicky family! haha. pun there. chicky and cheeky. ma belinda, pa pearl since she DOES look like a least more than belinda does. definitely. haha. kid chicks are melody, ning, kristy, melissa, jeanette and me. haha. then on sat b4 the opening, went to eat at marche with some of them. my first time eating there. food's quite good. expensive. but melody, kristy and i shared and paid 8 bucks each. lalala.

i think i read like...8 times faster than my brother or smtg...coz what i read in half an hour, he said he took about 4 yea. haha. harry potter. this book isn't so good. long winded and they keep quarrelling. but i think the plot's quite good lah so i read find out what happened. but other than that, jk rowling isn't a really good writer. but so many pple are so fascinated with the book. i think it's coz like...since the first few books are good, they just think the rest of the books are good. and blah blah....huh?


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