went to the esplanade today for handbells prac. so we got to leave class early. the bad thing was, we missed maths. and we're missing maths again tmr. not that i like maths. but it's like, i'm not say like...gooood at it. so i need the lessons.but prac went rather well aniwae. we got a different dressing rm this time which really looks like a hotel room, just that it's much smaller than one. but it's nice. going there tmr. and the day after tmr. and the day after tmr after tmr. yeah. and we stupidly forgot to polish our bells and all so we had to bring the bells back. man. but ms goh let the sec4s go home...heh. there were only 4 of us aniwae.

heard the angklung playing and whoa man! it was goooood! i used to be in angklung in pri. school and i had lotsa fun while being in it :)

tried on our new uniforms. really tight at the waist and ITCHY! so gonna wear a camisole or smtg i think. or i'll like...itch to death. but it looks pretty pleasant lah.

whee! just saw the ym website. cool. good job man joshua!
well, i'm like, really impressed with it coz i know nuts about html and all and whatever. and so, whatever.
and i saw my bible in it! and my pencil box with my book mark saying "Jesus never fails" on it :)
nice. hahas


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