ahhh! my sister's gone!
she's already in nottingham and she's unpacking right now and i hear that the place is quite nice.
through sms. her friend's phone. she got quite some friends ard London there...haha. i got her phone now. [i've already started decorating it. muahaha....fabric paint. and jie, if you see this, don't worry. you can peel it off when you get back :D] and i got the room all to myself.
she got me this swatch bracelet. got one for herself. then decided to get one for me as well! :D i got the purple on and she's got the pink one and we both wore it to the airport last nite.
power man!

some of her students were there too. 3 from rgs and about 8 from acsi....the acsi sec2 gep boys are amusing to watch man. anna agreed...talking so much. running around. esp. mk...haha. and wesley too. the unholy boy with a holy name....tt's what my sis says.

wow. seems like almost everyone has watched pirates of the carribean. except me of course. but nvm. there are other things to do. and i got to get my priorities right. not that i'm gonna be allowed to watch it anyway. haha.

if you're a christian in the small things, you'll never be a small christian
-stuart briscoe

ah. back to the books.


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