God can use you!

There are many reasons why God shouldn't have called you. But don't
worry. You're in good company . . .

Moses stuttered.
David's armor didn't fit.
John Mark was rejected by Paul.
Timothy had ulcers.
Hosea's wife was a prostitute.
Amos' only training was in the school of fig tree pruning.
Jacob was a liar.
David had an affair.
Solomon was too rich.
Jesus was too poor.
Abraham was too old.
David was too young.
Peter was afraid of death.
Lazarus was dead.
John was self-righteous.
Naomi was a widow.
Paul was a murderer. So was Moses.
Jonah ran from God.
Miriam was a gossip.
Gideon and Thomas both doubted.
Jeremiah was depressed and suicidal.
Elijah was burned out.
John the Baptist was a loud mouth.
Martha was a worrywart.
Mary was lazy.
Samson had long hair.
Noah got drunk.
Did I mention Moses had a short fuse?
So did Peter, Paul...well lots of folks did.

But God doesn't require a job interview. He doesn't hire and fire
like most bosses, because He's more our Dad than our Boss. He
doesn't look at financial gain or loss. He's not prejudiced or
partial, not judging, grudging, sassy, or brassy, not deaf to our
cry, not blind to our need.

As much as we try, God's gifts are free. We could do wonderful
things for wonderful people and still not be . . . Wonderful. Satan
says, "You're not worthy." Jesus says, "So what?... I AM."
Satan looks back and sees our mistakes. God looks back and sees the

He doesn't calculate what you did in '98. It's not even on the
Sure. There are lots of reasons why God shouldn't have called us.
But if we are magically in love with Him, if we hunger for Him more
than our next breath, He'll use us in spite of who we are, where
we've been, or what we look like.
Pray that as Christians, we will step out of our limitations into
the illimitable nature of who God is. Then our passion for God and
our passion to communicate with Him will make mincemeat of our limitations.

school ended like, really early today coz it was just mcq...so we finished at 9 and the few of us headed for the airport! yays! haha
went to the coffee shop near meg's place first to eat roti prata. yum yum! ju and i ate 2 at first....then we were not full. so we bought another one each. ate 3 kosongs! eat prata with sugar! very nice! zara and sarah only ate one each. like that can full meh?

at the airport, we went to cold storage and bought snacks. too much. heh. headed to the ....viewing hall? yeps. and were sitting around, talking and kidding. sarah, ju and i took a pic with half of the kinder surprise choc on our noses. i couldn't balance it properly...geez....haha. my second time eating kinder surprise! my toy was not very pretty. this red thing with one eye to curl round your pencil i think. i dunno what happened to it :D sarah got this....you know speedy gonzales? the bad thing tt chases it. she didn't want it. she only wanted the mike coz it reminded her of pan wei bo! (spell correct or not huh?) and ju got a puzzle that we fixed straightaway. some about 16 piece thing :D

then we were playing pepsi cola...haha. kinda childish, but we had so much fun! moved away from where we were later coz this guy near us had er...stinky feet. he took off his shoes. haha.
got sick of our chocs and we were all feeling a bit queasy in the tummy. then played hide-and-seek but it wasn't so fun coz the place too big. very tiring to go and find and all that...though i learnt of a good hiding place! heheh....quite funny. hiding with marisa and sarah and trying not to laugh so hard. i even had time to like, go use the loo first. haha. can't tell you the secret hiding place coz....well, it's a secret. bwahaha. [er]

continued playing pepsi cola. fun. but i'm so lousy at it. always kana kill so easily one. and me and sarah kept "plotting" to "kill" megala....haha.

went home with ju. we played the guitar and piano for a while but her dad came so early! like...half and hour? so too bad, we cou;dn't continue our mini worship session. next time come again k ju?

" it's a second struggle on top of the first to maintain the goodness and inner world and maintain your beliefs that other people want to be good.

when i'm really busy, i just get so much more done.

it's a lot less about your place in the worls but about your place in you. more impt how you view yourself and not how others view you.

brought up in the environment, strong sense of who i am and what i want so when i leave my bubble, i can create the kind of life i want and not be crippled by evil around.

there's always pressure, from other people, from yourself. if you're happy with your looks you're born with, then what are you going to do with your life? we keep thinking up new things and finding better ways of doing things becase we're not happy with what we're given."

-Natalie Portman-


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