alice sebold was raped at age 18. i read her book telling about the rape, the trails after that and how she recovered from it. how she was brave and all. how a very good friend and fellow room-mate got raped. as revenge on the alice's rapists friend. stuff.

and it makes you think about the world.
like, she was so brave. so much courage. got on with life.
the man. what's wrong with the world today...all this violence and whatsover. you know what i'm talking about.

and then i thought of how blessed i was to be born in singapore. comparatively safe to other countries and all that. must thank God for even stuff like that which make seem trivial and which we take for granted.

you know, God IS good.

take time to think. you know, i bet that there's actually a lot in your life that you can be thankful for. you'll be amzed at how much. even the little things like your mom,dad, the chance to have an educatiion[even though many of us don't appreciate it. haha] on and on....

ok. chinee bought me shoes from...nottingham and a friend brought it back. nice brown shoes from clarks which i guess i will only get to wear in like, 5 weeks i suppose...when i next go to church and yep. THANKS JIE!!! :D [hi jie. it's a bit, i can't fit my whole hand in but i can fit all my fingers in but it's ok. thanks!]

the fire within us is greater than the challenge before us

ah. i like this man. haha. saw it off this guys shirt and hurried to copy it down before i forgot it.

if i had wings i would fly. you're more than i need. you are. and if the world caved in ard me. to you i'd still hold on. coz you're all tt i believe. and the one who created me. Jesus becuase of you. i'm FREE


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