take a stand. even in little things.

like today, some of us wanted to go for luch at the coffeeshop outside school and come in for aftn class an hour late [it's a hall thing with quite some pple and the teacher usually doesn't scold]. i was so tempted to go too. coz i wasn't like, very interested in attending that particular class - chem.

but i'm glad i told them...like, you know, i don't think we should go. i'm not going coz i don't think it's right......and in the end we just went up to the hall a bit hungry. but i thought it was ok.

i learnt about rebellion vs submission in church. and i'd think that if i went to class one hour late....tt be under rebellion. and i don't think i want to rebel. like i say, [i wanna be goOod for JEsus!]

:D ok. lalala.


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