oh yah. thanks to larissa and elizabeth for the nicest dolphin ever! haha.
i'm not exactly a very "soft toy" person.... as in, i don't go...."oooOoOoOh....it's soOoOoOo cUuUuUuUutTttttTTtteeEeeeeEeeee"
yeps. haha....but this was exceptionally nice. vcery soft. nice to hug. haha. but of course, i didn't go,"oooOoOoOh....it's soOoOoOo cUuUuUuUutTttttTTtteeEeeeeEeeee"

"are not 2 sparrows sold for a penny? yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your father."......means...JEsus said that GOd is aware of everything that happens to sparrows and you are far more valuable to him than they are

i am precious in his sight!

red and yellow black and white they are precious in his sight.Jesus loves the little children of the world.

new blog add. DON'T LINK ME k?[if you're from church.i don't mind you linking actually. just that there's this someone who reads my blog and i'm not comfortable in it...tho i don't write anything very personal. i just don't like it.ida.mel.larissa.wanli.mag.will know who i mean i should think] or just...link to the glitteresequins one. and don't give everyone[meaning anyone] my new blog add. thank you for being nice.


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