ah. it's 11.53pm. i reached home like, 11.15 i think.

ok. my day :

church. went early with siew who was doing sound. reached at 8. then ym service and all. then supposed to go for lunch with ida and val. then jeremy wanted to talk to me so yea. lunch. then joel joined. then carol too. then zhou too. haha. yeps. so we all went for lunch at don.
then went to borders where i finished a book!
then to kino with ida to get stuff for ee, don't have.
went back to borders. also don't have.
went to plaza sing to get cd's from trumpet praise for ee.
rushed down to church to meet jeremy.
and whoa! he was late. ha. ha.

i got so much to do as music coordinator or whatever you call it. whoa. ahhh. eh. shucks. er. ha ha ha.

went for band prac. then headed down for suppser at fish and co. jeremy's treat! haha...we didn't finish the food tho. was trying to stuff myself. like yesterday's lunch with siew and mag. mag ate so little! *surprise surprise*. and talked about worship stuff. was good.

[why do i bother posting this? it's crappy. not funny or whatever. hah. ha. i think i'm just tired. shucks. my rashes are itching again]

and i think i should go sleep.

seems like after o's i'm even more busy...no time. lalala.

i think i need sleep.

oh. my mommy highlighted my hair yesterday. just a weeee bit. i was so tired i slept while she did it. haha. yeps.



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