and again i will say, this place is bad for skin man. tsk tsk. skin all dried up. and stupid me didn't put moisturiser for days. haha. until i realised how icky my skin was..then i put.

you know here...the sun sets at ard 4 so there's less sunlight. there's this thig - SAD....smtg smtg deficiency where pple get depressed due to lack of sunlight. interesting huh? but really man. the whole way here on plane iwas like...I NEED THE SUN?!!?!? coz it was dark all the way. and's like, never ending drizzle sometimes. it doesn't storm or whatever. just...drizzles...then the sun...oooh. you're so happy when the sun comes up man. just that the sun got no heat one. but at least...there's LIGHT! yeps...


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