from a friend's 'blog' :

"The Lord said to me, "I have begun a good work in your community and in your lives. That good work is not the best as yet but the best will only come if you obey to me. And when the best comes do not forget about me, but remember me and continue to praise me. This I have instructed to the people in Deuteronomy and I want you to go and do as I have said. Indeed you and your brothers and sisters will taste the manna that your forefathers have not tasted, I will bring you to greener pastures and you will bring glory to Me most high."

God told me something about these things. Even in camp where barely half of YM was there, I noticed there was no atmosphere of love. I can smile and say hi at a camper who walks away and rolls her eyes at me. I can spot the little cliques already. I could list down all the names of the people in various cliques and pin them on a board. Even if you think it is not called a clique, it is one. The first step do tearing down this wall and this hindrance is by facing this problem head-on and telling the people, sorry, but you are in a clique. These people need to realise that, it is no point denying it and it is no point saying that is not a clique.

If anybody asks me if camp was fantastic, I would agree. But personally, I don't think it was because it wasn't a camp. It was going to God. It's not YM Camp for me, it is YM's God. I went into God's very being rather than just into YM Camp and saw what He wanted from me and for me as well as for YM in those 4/5 days. So it wasn't really camp that was fantastic, it was God who was fantastic, who still is fantastic and who will be fantastic. "

yea well, i agree too. coz i too think that love is like, the beginning of it all. if you love a person, you'll be nice to that person and all that. after all, "love is patien, love is endures all never fails" [from 1 cor] rite? yeps. i try to love. it's difficult sometimes. you know, when some pple do so much to hurt you or whatever. but yep, you should still try to love that person.

church IS clique-ish. like, for that big example : the mgs clique. not everyone in mgs is in that clique. but sometimes i feel so out of place. esp for my batch of sec4s. i don't fit in man. they're so diff from me. or rather, i'm so different from them.

i don't think i'll talk much or go into detail. coz this is, after all, not a private blog.

well, bardee. sorry about all that. i don't really think we were a clique then. i'm not very close to them now. only like, close to them during camp. which is like....dotdotdot. but yea, whatever. it's kinda like, all over now.

yep. wesley really needs to do away with this totally cliqueish env. you know, sometimes i see these pple faithfully coming to church every week. but they do seem so lonely sometimes. they come and go. talk to no one. just stand there during worship and then so for class and go straight back home, not talking to anyone. we need to make an effor to talk to these people.
and ushering, we'll be starting that soon man. haha. at least when the pple come in, we'll really give a smile. was talking to jeremy just now and he was saying that it was good that i'm in both ushering and worship. yeps. and ushering, we need to like, sincerely welcome pple and not just hand out bulletins and all that lifelessly. stuff lah.

oh yah. during camp. it was really great man i tell you. that 3 and a half hour worship? it was great to see people just worshipping so freely. pple like mag who was at the back. just freely worshipping GOd. you know, just expressing herself. we all need to learn how to let go, to just let go of everything and give it to God. "cast all your anxiety on HIm because he cares for you" -1 peter- yeps. [JEsus beacuse of you, i'm free] i want to see this in ym. i really want to see this in ym. great revival. all pple just worshipping freely. not standing there and so self-conscious of raising there hands or whatever. just kneeling down and all, youknow, bowing down before God and giving him glory. that'd be really great man.

tomorrow. some of us are fasting together. you can too. and when you fast, you don't just not eat. you pray as well. you pray. and you have a, what you're praying for. and ours is : for revival in ym. eat before dawn. then fast. then you can eat dinner when the sun sets. pray fervently ok people? remember that video clip we were shown during camp? it shows us that prayer really works man. so c'mon. let's all do it. pray for revival. pray. pray without ceasing.

an haha...yea bardee. this song has been in my mind too.

Lift up your eyes
All of heaven's in worship
Angels rejoice and the clouds will be filled
With the wonder of Your name
With the wonder of Your name

The train of His robe fills the temple with glory
Heavenly hosts bow before Him in worship
Crying, "Holy, holy, holy
Is the Lord God Almighty."

and you know, if we really like something, we'll want to share that thing? an example given by adriel was that let's say there's this sale, you'll go tell your freinds about it coz you'd want them to benefit from it too rite? so yea. the same thing goes for Jesus. if you really want him, if you think he's really good, you'll just want to share HIm.

yeps. i've been praying for some of my friends. they're like, want to be christian don't want to be christian kinda thing. and it's quite troubling lah. one of my friends brought them to church but she didn't "look after" them properly and they felt so out of place there that they didn't ever want to go back. they don't want to go to any church so it's like....ahhh?!?! yeps. well, it's quite sad. coz i really want them to come to God lah. yah. ohwells, at least they're on the way of becoming christians...better. so yep, continue praying.

2 pple have told me that i've matured this year....hmm....

to my bardee : it's really great to see that you have matured a lot and all that girl. you go! go for Jesus ok?
you've really gone a long way and i'm really happy for you. you've been blessed beyond measure :)
and i love you! like, really, i love you. i think you know it eh? haha. yeps. *hugs*

you know, i'm so proud of my Jesus :) [i assure you, it's a great feeling. if you're not a christian, you should like, really accept God into your heart now, sincerely. he's just....great man.]

Jesus you are my best friend.....lalala.....the joy of the Lord is my strength...lalala.....Jesus loves me. and i love HIm......lalala....


honestly man, it's great to see that GOd is speaking and just....moving here in ym. [God is moving. can you hear the sound of revival?] really. it's just really....wonderful and amazing and fantastic and all that. and GOd is really God. during that 3 hour worship, he gave gifts to pple. ben was blessed with the gift of tongues. and gang could interpret what he was saying. it was really amazing i tell you. that GOd is using them. and God gave them the gift to like, help the church, to help ym. it's really amazing. like, GOd is just so good man. and GOd told us through him that "God spoke through him to the leaders, that the YSGLs and people in the YM comm should not be disheartened, that before God can truly work, there needs to be an atmosphere of love and there CANNOT be anymore cliques. " [quote from mels' blog]

it's like....whoa....


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